O Uso do Jogo Didático na Aprendizagem de Reações Fotoquímicas na Plataforma Classcraft®





This article refers to an experience report on the conceptualisation and implementation of a didactic
sequence, using the Classcraft® platform game, in a class of Chemistry undergraduates in the context of
the Inorganic Chemistry subject, which focused on photochemical reactions. After planning, formulating
and applying the game, the whole class gave it top marks in the following areas: lesson plan, execution,
applicability and versatility of the game. Several skills desirable in a chemistry graduate according to the
National Curriculum Guidelines were worked on, such as: working in a team and keeping up with the
rapid technological changes offered by interdisciplinarity as a way of guaranteeing quality in chemistry
teaching. The game was considered creative, intuitive, attractive, applicable to teaching photochemical
reactions and versatile for contextualising other possible content. The Photochemical Reactions virtual
game developed on the Classcraft® platform contributed to learning the content of photochemical reactions
in the subject of Inorganic Chemistry, standing out as a viable tool for teachers of this subject to use in
their teaching practice.

Biografia do Autor

Yasmim Souza de Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense/IFF Campus Cabo Frio/RJ

Licenciada em Química pelo IFF - Cabo Frio e Mestranda em Química pela UFRJ.

Thaís do Nascimento Xavier, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense/IFF Campus Cabo Frio/RJ

Licencianda em Química - IFF Cabo Frio

Igor do Nascimento Pinheiro , Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense/IFF Campus Cabo Frio/RJ

Licenciando em Química - IFF Cabo Frio






Número Especial: Tecnologias Digitais no Ensino de Química