Realidade Aumentada no Ensino de Química Orgânica: Uma Abordagem Imersiva e Interativa para o Ensino de Isomeria Plana e Espacial




Chemistry Teaching has the challenge of teaching abstract topics in a contextualized and interesting
way that are often distant from the student’s daily life. To solve this problem, teachers can use richer
resources than verbal explanations, in order to bring students closer to the phenomena. In the scenario
of technological innovations, Augmented Reality emerges as a promising alternative for the visual
representation of objects related to content and can contribute to teaching the area of chemistry known as
organic chemistry. For understanding, it is essential that students are able to visualize three-dimensional
objects. As the use of textbooks and blackboards cannot always overcome this obstacle, the present work
aimed to create 39 augmented reality markers and apply these materials to teaching organic chemistry
content such as structural and spatial isomerism. Through the teaching material developed, using augmented
reality markers, it is possible to visualize molecular structures in three dimensions. The application of
the markers in the classroom confirmed the contributions of this tool in teaching isomerism to high
school students and highlighted some limitations of the teaching resources that were improved for future
pedagogical interventions.


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Número Especial: Tecnologias Digitais no Ensino de Química