Tensões no Cenário das Licenciaturas em Química no Brasil: Educação a Distância nas Esferas Pública e Privada





In recent years, there has been an increase in distance learning teacher training courses in all areas, and
Chemistry is no different. This study sought to carry out a survey of in-person and distance learning
Chemistry Degrees (CD) in public and private institutions in 2021, through the e-MEC and SisUAB
portals, in addition to data obtained from the 2021 Higher Education Census. This study was carried
out through a descriptive and exploratory investigation, of a quantitative and qualitative nature. 342 CD
courses were identified, 264 in public institutions and 78 in private institutions. The CDs represent a total
of 20 public courses and 25 private courses. In public institutions, the number of courses and places for
face-to-face courses prevails, respectively (244 courses and 12,889 places), while in private institutions,
most of the places offered are in CD (90,190), although there is a smaller number of courses. The study
shows that there is a direction towards training Chemistry teachers through distance learning, mainly in
private institutions.

Biografia do Autor

Dylan Ávila Alves, Instituto Federal Goiano

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Gradução em Química da Universidade Federal de Goiás e docente da área de Ensino de Química do Instituto Federal Goiano, campus Iporá, Goiás.


