O Uso do Origami Arquitetônico como Recurso Pedagógico para a Compreensão da Geometria Espacial das Moléculas





The high level of abstraction has been identified as one of the factors that hinder the understanding
of Chemistry, since according to the literature, it is related to the understanding of three aspects: the
observation of natural phenomena (macroscopic universe), their representation in scientific language
(symbolic universe) and the real understanding of the universe of particles such as atoms, ions and
molecules (submicroscopic universe). These difficulties are more evident when it comes to teaching
chemical bonds. Therefore, this work proposes the use of clipboards using architectural origami for
teaching chemical bonds through a workshop in classes of the 3rd year of high school in a state public
school in the municipality of Morada Nova - CE. The workshop was structured in 05 meetings in which
pre- and post-evaluation questionnaires were carried out, clipboards with 3D and 2D structures were
worked on. Through the analysis of the questionnaires, it was possible to observe that it was possible
to develop spatial skills in most students, such as mentally rotating molecules in space, transposing the
representation of a 2D molecule to 3D, in addition to perceiving some relationships between the properties
and its molecular geometry.


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