Desenvolvimento de Organogéis de Óleo de Canola Utilizando Monoestearato de Sorbitano: Qual é a Influência de Diferentes Concentrações?




In 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration advised against the use of hydrogenated oils, a source
of trans fats, for food safety reasons. In response, research into the addition of structuring agents to oils
containing lipids rich in cis-unsaturated fatty acids has grown. In this context, this study sought to assess
the stability of mixtures of sorbitan monostearate as a structuring agent in canola oil, which is rich in
unsaturated fatty acids for the food industry and known for its health benefits. The organogels obtained
were visually classified as weak liquids or gels, with phase separation after seven days. The high oil loss
and low hardness observed in the samples showed that sorbitan monostearate is not a structuring agent for
canola oil, as it was unable to maintain the structure of the gel. However, it is recommended that further
studies be carried out with higher concentrations of sorbitan monostearate in canola oil and that the use
of other structuring agents be explored.


