Células Solares Cossensibilizadas por Pontos Quânticos: Contextualização e Perspectivas





The use of semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) is largely widespread, mostly due to its good optical
features such as high photoluminescence quantum yield, elevated molar absorption coefficient in addition
to a wide and adjustable spectral absorption. Its use for the sensitization of solar cell photoanodes has
increased in the literature: creating solar cells with good energy conversion efficiency, with a high
potential for expansion shortly. Quantum dots have been associated with other materials such carbon
dots and organic dyes and another QDs, generating co-sensitized solar cells, making possible to visualize
the electronic conduction cascade effect, which usually leads to an increase in cell efficiency when
compared to those systems without the co-sensitizer. The cascade effect enhances the spectral range of
solar cell light absorption, making possible not only the absorption within the visible spectrum but also
within the near-UV and the infrared, depending on the materials used in the co-sensitization process.
This work aims to make a literature review surrounding co-sensitized QDs solar cells, from the point of
view of its contextualization between solar cells and quantum dots highlighting the beneficial effect of
this arrangement as well the development prospects of this area.

Biografia do Autor

Marco Antonio Schiavon, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

Departamento de Ciências Naturais



