André Luiz Barros de Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Francisco Thálysson Tavares Cavalcante
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Katerine da Silva Moreira
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Rodolpho Ramilton de Castro Monteiro
PhD student in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master in Chemical Engineering from UFC. Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab), having taken part of the course at Southern Illinois University (SIU), United States. Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (GENEZ).
Thales Guimarães Rocha
Graduating in Energy Engineering at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab). PIBIC / UNILAB fellow (2018-2019) and FUNCAP fellow (2019-2020). Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (Genez).
José Erick da Silva Souza
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Aluísio Marques da Fonseca
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Ada Amelia Sanders Lopes
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Artemis Pessoa Guimarões
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Rita Karolinny Chaves de Lima
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Maria Cristiane Martins de Souza
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Enzyme immobilization, nanomaterials, sustainable energy, lipases.
Lipases have significant biotechnological potential as catalysts in organic synthesis reactions in a non-aqueous medium using simplified processes with high yields. Besides that, incorporating this large-scale technology requires the use of economically viable techniques such as enzyme immobilization onto nanomaterials. Moreover, the main interest in immobilizing an enzyme is to obtain a biocatalyst, which presents better conditions regarding the activity, selectivity, stability, and purification of these proteins compared to their free form. Here, we review some of the properties of lipases and their applications, discussing some of the problems that free form lipases may cause, presenting as solutions the immobilization techniques and the application of immobilized lipases. Furthermore, the use of nanomaterials, their properties, and importance in immobilization techniques are discussed. This study presents a review of the advantages and recent developments in preparing lipases immobilized on nanomaterials as biocatalyst for sustainable biodiesel production.
Biografia do Autor
André Luiz Barros de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará
Postgraduate student in Project Management at the University of São Paulo - USP / Esalq. Master's student in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará - UFC. Bachelor of Energy Engineering at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony - Unilab, Redenção, Ceará, Brazil. He completed an 18-month exchange program in Canada, in the city of Regina, during which time he studied English as a Second Language - ESL at UofR (University of Regina) and sandwich graduation at the engineering institute at UofR. Research Intern at Mitacs at the University of Regina, Canada, in the area of Intelligent Systems.
Francisco Thálysson Tavares Cavalcante, Universidade Federal do Ceará
Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). Master's student in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).
Katerine da Silva Moreira, Universidade Federal do Ceará
Master student in Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Ceará. Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB).
Rodolpho Ramilton de Castro Monteiro, PhD student in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master in Chemical Engineering from UFC. Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab), having taken part of the course at Southern Illinois University (SIU), United States. Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (GENEZ).
PhD student in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master in Chemical Engineering from UFC. Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab), having taken part of the course at Southern Illinois University (SIU), United States. Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (GENEZ).
Thales Guimarães Rocha, Graduating in Energy Engineering at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab). PIBIC / UNILAB fellow (2018-2019) and FUNCAP fellow (2019-2020). Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (Genez).
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
José Erick da Silva Souza, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Bachelor of Energy Engineering from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab). Participates in the Enzyme Engineering Group (GENEZ). He received a scholarship from the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - BICT / FUNCAP with the project "Enzymatic biocatalysts supported on magnetic nanoparticles for use in the kinetic resolution of the drug ibuprofen". Currently, he is a scientific initiation scholarship holder of the Research Productivity Scholarship Program and Stimulus to Interiorization and Technological Innovation (BPI) at FUNCAP. Has experience in Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Processes, Biomass, Enzymatic Immobilization and Enzyme Engineering.
Aluísio Marques da Fonseca, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
He is currently Associate Professor II of the Academic Master in Socio-Biodiversity and Sustainable Technologies (MASTS) and the Master in Energy and Environment, both at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). He won a research professor award in 2010, promoted by SBPC-Regional in Cruz das Almas (BA) and for Best Panel in Chemistry Teaching in 2015 (SBQ-SP). He was professor of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Water, Environmental and Energy Management (GRHAE) and Sciences é10! (in effect). There are 625 citations to date in the Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo and Google Academic databases.
Ada Amelia Sanders Lopes, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Adjunct Professor Class C - Level II at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB) - Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS). Content teacher and trainer of the Specialization course in Water, Environmental and Energy Management (GRHAE) at Unilab. Graduated (2002) and master's (2005) in Chemical Engineering and doctorate (2009) in Civil Engineering (Environmental Sanitation) from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). He has worked in research in the following lines: Thermodynamics; Exergetic and energetic analysis of Biofuel production processes; Solid fuels (briquettes) and Synthesis and characterization of additives from LCC (cardanol, anacardic acid and cardols).
Artemis Pessoa Guimarões, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Currently professor at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab). He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). He completed his doctorate in Chemistry, also at UFC, having taken part of the doctoral course at the University of Leipzig, Germany (2008). During the undergraduate period, he received a scholarship from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and took courses focused on the oil and gas area. Therefore, he has experience in the area of Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on the following subjects: thermodynamics, transport phenomena and separation processes. She worked as a researcher in the Chemical Engineering Department at UFC.
Rita Karolinny Chaves de Lima, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (2001), Master in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (2004) and doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos with a sandwich period at the University of Nottingham (UK) - School of Chemistry. She is currently an adjunct professor in the Energy Engineering course at Unilab. Has experience in the area of Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on Petroleum Engineering, Development of Processes and Materials, Catalysis and Chemical Reactions.
Maria Cristiane Martins de Souza, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Adjunct Professor II of Class C at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB) at the Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS). Deputy Director of the Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS) UNILAB. Participates in research groups: Interdisciplinary Group in Chemistry (GIQ) - UNILAB, Enzyme Engineering Group - GENEZ - UNILAB. CNPq / UFC Junior Post-Doctorate (2014). PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (2013). Master in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas - SP- UNICAMP (2009). Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (2007).
José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Professor permanente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química (PGEQ) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Professor permanente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia e Ambiente (PGEA) da UNILAB. Professor colaborador no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PGQUIM) da UFC. Coordenou o curso de Especialização Lato Sensu em Gestão em Recursos Hídricos, Ambientais e Energéticos (GRHAE) na modalidade a distância na UNILAB (2017-2019). Coordena o Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Energias da UNILAB. Coordena o Programa de Cooperação Franco-Brasileira para a Formação de Engenheiros - Programa CAPES/BRAFITEC-UFC/IFCE/ UNILAB (EDITAL nº 13/2017 ) na UNILAB. Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia Enzimática (GENEZ) na UNILAB. Atualmente é Professor Adjunto na UNILAB. Graduado em Química pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará (2008). Possui Mestrado (2011) e Doutorado (2015) em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Possui Doutorado em Biociências Moleculares "PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedicine and Biotechnology (Molecular Biosciences)" pela Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UAM, Espanha (2015). Possui Pós-Doutorado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2015). Tem experiência na área de Química, Ensino de Química e Processos Biotecnológicos/ Engenharia Enzimática.
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