Evaluation of in vitro bioaccessibility of copper, iron and manganese in Amazonian fruits
Bioaccessibility, Amazonian fruits, inorganic elements, FAAS, GFAASResumo
The bioaccessibility of Cu, Fe and Mn in Amazonian fruits (açaí, white açaí, bacuri and tucumã) was evaluated in this study using in vitro methods. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was used for total metal quantification, and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) was used to quantify the metals in the simulated gastric and gastrointestinal digestions. The Cu concentration in the fruits tested varied between 8.59–14.99 mg/kg. For Fe, the concentration in the samples ranged from 35.88–60.45 mg/kg. The lowest and highest concentrations of Mn were found in the bacuri (5.01 mg/kg) and white açaí (709.93 mg/kg), respectively. In the açaí, white açaí and tucumã samples, the bioaccessible percentage of Cu was higher than the human can absorb. The available Fe value determined in the gastric simulation was similar to that observed in the gastrointestinal simulation, varying from 42.95 to 56.22%. The bioaccessible Mn fraction varied between 28.72–68.78% in the gastric simulation and 26.81–64.85% in the gastrointestinal simulation. This study contributes to our knowledge of the actual amount of Cu, Fe and Mn absorbed from ingestion of the studied fruits.
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