A Simple Protocol for the Isolation, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Plasmid DNA


  • Hélio Lopes Barros Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Gabriel Moresco Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Valter Stefani Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Lise alcalina, Gel de agarose, Eletroforese, Extração de DNA, DNA genómico, DNA plasmídeo


This article presents a simple protocol for the isolation of plasmid DNA of Escherichia coli. Using agarose gel electrophoresis, UV spectrophotometry and the plaque assay agarose, the concentrations of 2170 µg.ml-1 and 2455 µg.ml-1 were verified in nucleic acids for plasmid DNA samples with TE and TE + RNase, respectively. These results confirm that the samples mainly consisted of RNA. A second experiment was efectuated to isolate and assess  genomic DNA of oral epithelial cells, but the methods used proved inefficient for qualification and quantification of DNA.

